2009 Champions

MAC-10 Featherweight

Bottom Row From Left: Scott Stetz, Jacob Sperling, Jimmy Zitnik, Cooper Tomlin.

Second Row From Left: Justin Grapenthin, Cole Naumovski, Phillip Koenig, Peter Dunican, Cole Brown, Jordan Solis.

Third Row From Left: Jack Erickson, Thomas Dyra, Cory Lamb, Ryan Kaufman, Jacob Ommen, Colin Lamb.

Fourth Row From Left: Coach Wendy, Jonathon Harris, Coach Brown, Coach Dunican

Top Row From Left: Coach Ommen, Coach Lamb, Coach Grapenthin



PAC-10 Middleweight

Bottom Row from left: Carter Pierce, Dan Lanza, Josh Cooper, Freddy Roediger, Kyle Heinzmann, Tony Ricci, Sean Sullivan, Mike Harris, Nick Fowler Second Row from left: Coach Doug, Jonathon Cooper, JJ Flashing, Aaron Sennholtz, Sean VanDamme, Dave Nelson, Nate Burk, Anthony Azzano, Coach Brian
Top Row: Nick Pilafas, Dillon Honkala, Matt O'Connor




PAC-10 Middleweight

Mason Moore, Nathan Cowin, Joey Jummati, Patrick Yeschek, AJ Walters, Jonathan Tieman, Malcolm Laurx, Brandon Leavy, Jeremy Zhungu, AJ Polizzi, Matthew Kenning, Conner Fox, Christopher Eschwieler, Michael Moran, Danny Trinen, John, DiCecco, Joey Wheeler, Emmanual Ebirim

Coaches: Joe Wheeler, Dan Laurx, Jerry Eschweiler


PAC-10 Lightweight

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