2016 Champions


2016 Bantam Big 10 Roster

1 Jacob Leavy

5 Brennan Coyle

10 Luke Vanderwiel

11 Trenton Horton

18 Kylie Schuler

22 Nick Crimaldi

23 Hudson Giglio

24 JJ Lee

28 Koltin Mari

29 Damian Gonzalez

34 Travis Dittmer

36 Mikey Meade

40 Cody Teson

54 JJ Huser

55 Jon Czarnecki

80 Christian Pease

Bantam Big 10 7-2 2016 2A Super Bowl Champions

2016 Big 10 Bantam - Head Coach Jeremy Horton & Asst. Coaches John Huser, Guy Crimaldi, Dwayne Dittmer, Mike Meade, Dan Teson, Brian Coyle


2016 Middleweight PAC 10 Maroon Roster

2  Jimmy Stone

3  Colton Madura

4  Jack Finn

6  Peter Brejnak

9  Ty Lee

11 Nicholas Iavarone

14 Charlie Ferree

18 Jason Eismueller

21 Aaron Wagler

22 Landon Bilins

33 Reid Myers

42 Logan Harlow

43 Liam McNutt

55 Xander York

60 Ethan Goudschaal

84 Cole Anderson

91 Donald Teuber

2016 Middleweight Maroon PAC 10 Pioneer Division Champions  7-2

2016 Middleweight Maroon PAC 10 Pioneer Super Bowl Champions


2016 PAC 10 Middleweight Maroon - Head Coach Andy Lee & Asst. Coaches Ed Ferree, Dave York, Bruce Bilins, Bart Myers, Jim Stone, Kurt Eismueller, Mike Madura



2016 Varsity Big 10 Roster


5   Carter Evans

12 Patrick Gartner

20 Tyler Crawford

22 Ty Baker

25 Austin Reimer

36 Ryan Hansen

44 Tommy Evans

48 Matthew Porter

54 Matt Nygren

56 Cade Johnson

60 Andrew Renteria

73 Nathaniel Dutkin

76 Jack Schnoor

83 Jake Wilk

90 Jackson (JT) Rietz

94 George Bieschke

97 Carson Riley

2016 Varsity Big 10 7-2
2016 4A Super Bowl Champions


2016 Big 10 Varsity - Head Coach Tom Evans & Asst. Coaches Brent Johnson, Phil Schnoor, Tom Wilk, Tom Gulbransen, Scott Crawford


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