2021 Champions



#1 - Bram Van Acker

#2 - Brayden Bowden

#5 - Mason Houltram

#7 - Carter Koch

#9 - Jax Kirichkow

#11 - Keegan Guth

#14 - Nicky Anfeldt

#15 - Hayden Ebert

#17 - Kash Simonsen

#19 - Brady Kordik

#22 - Sebastian Webb

#26 - Donnie Cossman

#31 - Rory Bailey

#34 - Brody Lydon

#43 - Ronin Sarvis

#58 - Shea Norwood

Bantam Big 10 7-2 Record
2021 3A Super Bowl Champions

Head Coach: Adam Ebert, Asst. Coaches: Casey Guth, Scott Norwood, Tim Lydon, Connor Lydon, Jordan Van Acker


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