2023 Champions


2023 BIG 10 Featherweight Roster

#1 - Bram Van Acker

#2 - Brayden Bowden

#3 - Jackson Gieseke      

#6 - Jax Kirichkow

#11 - Keegan Guth

#14 - Nicky Anfeldt Jr.

#15 - Hayden Ebert

#18 - Graham Urgo

#19 - Brady Kordik

#20 - Julian Pruszkowski

#22 - Jameson Sheridan

#26 - Donnie Cossman

#34 - Brody Lydon

#50 - Weston Atkinson

#58 - Shea Norwood

#63 - Everett Lehr

2023 BIG 10 Featherweight 4A Champions

Head Coach: Adam Ebert

Assistants: Casey Guth, Tim Lydon, Scott Norwood, Jordan Van Acker

2023 Big Ten Middleweight Roster

#1 Leo Ruiz

#7 Tommy Osimani

#11 Easton Lehr

#20 Frank Byk

#24 Dylan Santucci

#25 Joey Galante

#28 Zachary Magel

#29 Mason Walsh

#44 Matthew Jones

#51 Hank Holbrook

#62 Weston Zaleski

#72 James Sitkie

#75 Nicholas Nunziato

#80 Jake Ginter

#84 Eli Ruiz

#88 Connor Pease

#97 Atlas Koplinski

2023 BIG 10 Middleweight 6A Champions


2023 PAC Maroon Middleweight Roster

#2 Jordan Stojkovich

#3 Josh Milazzo

#5 Mason Houltram

#8 Will Kempf

#9 Spencer Frank

#12 Alec Witowski

#13 Christian Ramirez

#15 Brysen McNinch

#17 Oliver Frank

#18 Adrian Pruszkowski

#23 Francisco Tabellini

#27 Parker Kautz

#28 Ryan King

#33 Emmet Warder

#34 Nick Kempf

#47 Liam Lynam

#79 Cooper Holland

#94 Carson Moore

2023 PAC Maroon Champions


Head Coache: Austin Kempf

Assistant Coaches: Nick Creatore, Dan Lynam


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