Board Roles & Responsibilities

The Executive Board shall consist of a President, Vice President Secretary, Treasurer, and officers each with defined positions and responsibilities. The Board positions shall be as follows:

Ensures the Jr. Wolves Football & Cheerleading program has a clear vision, is well organized, is staffed with competent officers, and is progressing toward its overall goals.

Vice President
Works with the President on all program related issues. Coordinates on field operations during the season (scheduling lights, facilities, communicates with practice and game host administration).

Works closely with the program's accountant and oversees financial controls. Responsible for program financial performance.

Schedules, prepares, and records Jr. Wolves Board meetings. Ensures the Board uses an effective process for meetings, decision-making, and league communications (email, etc.).

Director of Football Operations
Responsible for making our football program as effective as possible - includes coordinating tackle level head coaches, ensuring proper safety and methods are being utilized, ensuring levels are following "PRHS feeder methodologies".

Director of Cheerleading Operations
Responsible for making our cheer program as effective as possible - includes attending governing body (IRC) meetings, rules, fundraising, camp, weekly game scheduling and competitions.

Director of Registration
Responsible for coding/creating season registration forms, creating reports as needed in NGIN system.

Director of Website
Responsible for ongoing maintenance, upkeep, creation of website content for  Ensuring program subscription is maintained with Sports Engine/NGIN.

Director of League Representation
Responsible for attending monthly TCYFL governance meetings. Relaying information/communications to/from our organization and governing body.  Reporting weekly tackle game scores to league.

Director of Pre-Season
Responsible for coordinating/scheduling pre-season tackle scrimmages with other organizations within TCYFL.

Director of Field Marshall
Responsible for coordinating weekly field setup/break down of home flag & tackle games. Coordinating/facilitating tackle game weigh-ins. Maintaining equipment stored at Jr. Wolves field (golf cart, field equipment, etc.).

Director of Flag Football
Responsible for coordinating flag program schedules with other teams in our area.  Managing flag level head coaches, maintaining and delivering equipment.

Director of Safety
Responsible for overall safety of the program. Ensuring teams are properly equipped with medical supplies. Coordinates baseline concussion testing for tackle/cheer program.  Coordinates coaching background checks.

Director of Equipment
Responsible for overall maintenance/purchasing of tackle equipment for program. Maintain records on expirations, certifications, decals, etc.  Coordinates/facilitates equipment fitting /return dates.  Coordinate ordering flag & tackle uniforms with vendors.

Director of Team Moms
Responsible for coordinating flag, tackle, and cheer level team mom's. Coordinating fundraiser basket creation/collections, advise on team parties, etc. Coordinating efforts with Director of Event Coordination on yearly Sideouts event.

Director of Pictures
Responsible for coordinating season team pictures with vendor. Scheduling dates/times, creating team reports, coordinating with Dir of Team Moms for team pano purchases.

Director of Concessions
Responsible for maintaining communication with Pop's Corn Crib and/or local food vendors to ensure home games have concessions.

Director of Event Coordination
Responsible for planning, creating support team for yearly Sideouts fundraiser event, scheduling various Dinner Night Out events with local restaurants.

Director of Spirit Wear
Responsible for coordinating with vendors on spirit wear creation, purchasing, delivery. 

Director of Communications
Responsible for working with various Executive & Board members on outgoing communications to the program through Sports Engine/NGIN system (registration reminders, notifications, weekly schedules).  Posting/maintaining social media outlets (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) for program related content.

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