Online Payments

The Jr Wolves offer an online payment processing system to register and pay for participation in the program. You will step through several pages of policies that you will sign by typing your name, add new athletes to your profile and check out by paying with a credit card or other payment option.

The Online Registration Process: 

  1. Register yourself on the RAMP system by using the ‘Create an Account’ button on the top of this webpage.
  2. Login as yourself
  3. Register all of your athletes of which you are the parent or legal guardian and that are going to be participating in the program. 

RAMP Registration

Join thousands of association partners using RAMP Registration Solutions.

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RAMP Official Assigning

#1 with Officials...for very good reasons.

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RAMP Websites

Manage your identity from the palm of your hand to the top of your desk.

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RAMP Team App

Keep your coaches, parents, athletes, and fans connected, seamlessly.

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