When does the season start?
A "Combine" that lasts 2 weeks usually starts around the end of July. The regular season starts after that and lasts on the average of 10 weeks. Usually 2 pre-season weekends of games are played and then 9 weeks of regular season games. If your team makes the playoffs, there are potentially 3 more weeks of participation.
How many times a week do teams practice?
Typically teams practice 4-5 days a week before school starts and 3 days a week once school has started. Practice schedules are set by each teams' head coach. Cheer typically practice 2 days a week, usually Monday & Thursday.
How far will we have to travel for away games?
From Crystal Lake, Plainfield is the farthest you will travel, if they are on your team's schedule. Cheer squads travel in coordination with their designated football team. Teams can expect to play 50% of their games away and 50% home.
How are the players chosen for each team?
All tackle football players, by age and/or weight, are placed first into a "Level" (Heavy, Light, Middle, Feather, Bantam) are evaluated by the coaches together during the first 2 weeks of the season. (The "Combine"). Based on the coaching staffs evaluation of the athlete, they are placed appropriately on a team within that level. No child is left out or cut, everyone plays. For more information, see the "Player Placement Policy".
My athlete is new to Football, what is the proper level for him or her?
The age and weight of the athlete are the most determining factors on which level they will participate. After that, the coach evaluations will place them appropriately at that level.
How are coaches chosen for the teams?
Coaches submit a request to coach. The president, vp on field & director of football then selects the coach.
What is the leagues policy on playing time for the kids?
Ensuring that all team players have an opportunity to play in games is a goal of the JR Wolves Program. It is program policy that all kids have a starting position for teams of 22 or less players.
There are guidelines regarding playing time set forth by the TCYFL, and they can be reviewed on the TCYFL website.
Do I need to purchase Equipment?
Helmets, shoulder pads, team jersey, game pants, and game socks are provided for your athlete. You will need to buy cleats, cup, mouth guard and any additional equipment such as arm pads or gloves. Most of the required items are available for purchase from the Wolves at registration sessions and at sporting goods stores such as Dick’s or Sports Authority.
What is the policy on missed practices for players?
It is the Wolves' policy that a practice missed or shortened for illness or participation in another sport is excused, when coach is given proper notice. Injured players must attend practice. Other missed practices will be dealt with by the head coach.
What is the policy on parent’s participation with the teams and at games?
Everyone will be asked to help out during the season, whether it be helping with the chains, field setup, field take down, score keeping, etc. everyone is expected to help.
Is a deposit required for Equipment?
Yes. $450 per player deposit check will be collected at time of equipment hand out. This check will not be cashed and will be returned to you once you have returned your equipment as required by the Wolves. Equipment not returned as required will result in your check being processed.
My son will not play for Prairie Ridge, but would like to participate- Can he or she?
Yes, it is the Wolves' goal to teach Prairie Ridge school football system, but everyone is welcome to participate provided they have a Tcyfl residency form signed by their "home" team organization where they reside.
Are there restrictions on weight class for players?
Yes, the TCYFL instills strict guidelines for the weight and age of players and their ability to participate at certain levels. All the information is available on the TCYFL website. www.tcyfl.net
When are Games Played?
PAC-10 games are generally played on Saturdays while BIG-10 games are usually played on Sundays. However, please leave both days open until your team's schedule is posted. The league schedule is set by the TCYFL and is available on their website.