Cheer Practice and Attendance

The biggest assets of our organization are our volunteers. We are very fortunate to have a group of dedicated Coaches and Jr. Coaches. The success of our program relies heavily on our volunteers and parents. Anything you can do to assist your team throughout the season would be greatly appreciated.

By participating in the JR Wolves Cheer program, obligations include:


Cheer is a team sport, with each participant having a required place in routines. When one member is absent, it can keep a whole squad from achieving their goals, jeopardize the safety of mount/stunt groups, and prevent participants from practicing portions of a routine. Excused practices are for illness or death in the family. Teams typically practice 2-3 days/week during July and 2 days/week beginning mid-August.

Competition: Attendance for choreography and practice are MANDATORY in preparation for competition, as well as a MANDATORY Dress Rehearsal on Friday evenings prior to competitions. If an athlete is absent from practice or dress rehearsal the week prior to competition then the athlete can't compete that weekend. This is due to safety concerns and respect of the other teammates.  


Please arrive to practice 5-10 minutes early to change shoes/clothing and be ready to start on time. Notify your coach immediately of situations and planned absences.


  • Hair must be pulled off the face and neck in a ponytail

  • Wear proper attire (shorts/leggings/socks, cheer gym shoes and proper shirt)

  • No flip-flops / sandals / crocs

  • No jean shorts or jeans

  • No jewelry - safety hazard.  This includes stud earrings.

  • No gum allowed at any time

  • Cell phone and other devices turned to a low setting as to not disrupt the practice


To all Coaches, athletes, parents and any other persons.




As a member of the Jr. Wolves, it is expected to uphold the image of the Jr. Wolves and the following will NOT being tolerated.   

  • Lewd language or showing disrespect to coaches or the crowd will result in being removed from the game to sit with parents for the remainder of the game. This includes: Talking back, eye rolling, showing disrespect to a fellow team member, lack of participation or poor attitude.
  • Cheerleaders are expected to make the Jr. Wolves organization proud by displaying outstanding conduct and sportsmanship at all times.  
  • Concentration and listening to coaches is required at all times for safety.
  • First and foremost, we are a football and cheerleading organization and required to participate in scheduled weekend games. Expect to cheer at weekend games throughout the season. 
  • Games are played in sun, rain and snow (rarely cancelled) - the girls are expected to arrive 30 minutes prior to scheduled game to warm up and prepare half-time routine.



It is an honor to wear a Jr. Wolves Cheer uniform, and it is your responsibility to treat it with care. 

  • Full Uniforms are to be worn during the entire game. Girls cannot perform if they are wearing only a partial uniform.  All teams are expected to look in sync (all wearing warm up jackets/leggings or none). We are following the standard set by the HS cheerleaders.
  • Uniforms are NOT to be worn except to a Jr. Wolves activity.
  • If cheerleaders plan to stay to view another game following theirs, they MUST remove their entire uniform and change into something else.   
  • Uniforms are to be hand washed in cold water and hung to dry.



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