Refund Policy

Refund Requests


A Refund Policy has been implemented for the JR Wolves Program to include our new online payment system. All programs (Tackle Football, Flag Football, Cheer and Mascot Cheer) now maintain the same Refund Policy.

The Refund Policy States:

  1. ALL refund requests are made to the Treasurer and MUST be initiated via the online 'Refund Request Form'
  2. ALL refunds will be issued via the RAMP online system back the Credit Card that was used for payment.
  3. An online processing fee of $20 will be deducted from ALL issues of refunds.
  4. Competition Cheer uniform fees ($300) and cheer camp fees ($515) are NOT refundable.
  5. If applicable, the $50 fee for the athlete's jersey will be deducted from the issued refund.
  6. If applicable, the $25 late registration fee will be deducted from the issued refund.
  7. Refund Structure
    1. Requests received by May 31 - 100%
      1. minus $20 Processing, $50 Jersey (if applicable), and $25 Late Fee (if applicable)
    2. Requests received between June 1 and July 18 - 50%
      1. minus $20 Processing,  $50 Jersey (if applicable) and $25 Late Fee (if applicable)
    3. After July 18 NO REFUNDS WILL BE ISSUED
  8. NOTE: Please allow up to two weeks to process and receive your refund.



Refund Policy Notes

  • Refunds must be submitted via the online request form ONLY.
  • REFUNDS ARE ISSUED BY RAMP back to the credit card that was used to pay.

Please use the 'Refund Request Form' below to submit a Refund request.


 Refund Request Form

 Please complete the form HERE










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